Usage: srcdoc [options] files_to_parse
Creates documentation of programs by parsing comments in source files.

Mandatory options to long arguments are mandatory for short options, too
-o, --output-directory=DIR      Sets the output directory to DIR.
-s, --source-directory=DIR      Adds DIR to the list of directories searched
                                for source files.
-f, --format=FORMAT             Sets the output format to FORMAT. For now,
                                FORMAT may be only 'html'.
-l, --language=LANG             Sets the (human) language for output files.
                                For now, LANG may be only 'en' or 'pl'.
-p, --profile=PROF              Sets the output profile. PROF may be either
                                'user' (default) or 'devel'. In the
                                'user' profile only globally visible
                                declarations and only public and protected
                                class members are included. In the 'devel'
                                profile local declarations and private members
                                are also included. You may override this
                                with --protected, --private and -i.
-c, --comment-parser=PARSER     Sets the comment parser. PARSER may be
                                'srcdoc' (default) or 'srcdoc_raw'. The
                                raw parser just does not support several
                                features and thus leaves things like <name>
                                or _name_ intact.
-d, --dependencies              Try find and parse the modules (units) on
                                which a given module depends first.
-b, --beautify-comments         'Beautify' the comments. When beautifying
                                all ';' are changed to dots and all words
                                beginning a sentence are capitalized.
-t, --title=TITLE               Sets the title for the whole documentation.
                                This should be the name of the program or
                                the library being documented.
-i, --implementation-info=on/off
                                Indicates whether to include local declarations
                                in the generated documentation.
--protected=on/off              Indicates whether to show protected members.
--private=on/off                Indicates whether to show private members.
--table-border=on/off           Indicates whether to draw borders for tables.
                                On by default.
--skip-separators=on/off        If on then any sequence consisting of one
                                non-alphanumeric character repeated more than
                                7 times is skipped. On by default.
-j, --join-comments=on/off      If on several comments one after another,
                                possibly separated with whitespace, are
                                joined into one comment. On by default.
--fetch-comments=on/pff         Indicates whether to fetch comments from
                                ancestor classes if no comment is present
                                for a given member.
--synopsis=on/off               If on then if a comment does not contain the
                                @synopsis command, the first sentence of the
                                comment is assumed to be the synopsis.
-v, --verbose                   Be verbose.
-q, --quiet, --silent           Suppress warnings.
-h, --help                      Show this screen.
--version                       Show the version information.