7.2. Alphabetical list of commands

7.2.1. <xxx>

Indicates that xxx is a name of some local symbol (ex. a routine parameter). xxx must be a single word and may contain no whitespace.

7.2.2. _xxx_

Makes xxx emphasised. See @emphasis.

7.2.3. \char

If char is one of '_', '<', '>', '@' or '\' then escapes it, i.e. prevents it from being specially interpreted by the comment parser. '@' may also be escaped by another '@'.

7.2.4. @<xxx>

Creates a link to xxx. See @link.

7.2.5. @c, @code

Makes the subsequent text be interpreted as source code and formatted accordingly. See @end-code.

7.2.6. @discard-subsequent-commands, @discard-commands

Discards all the commands after the current position. In other words, interprets every subsequent @ character as a normal character.

7.2.7. @discard-recent-comment, @discard-recent-comments, @discard-comment

Discards the part of the comment before the current position.

7.2.8. @e word, @emp word, @emphasis word @emphasis(text)

Makes word or text emphasised. word may not contain whitespace and must be composed of alpha-numeric characters entirely. text may contain anything except for ',' and ')'.

7.2.9. @ec, @end-code

If @code is active then deactivates it. Otherwise does nothing.

7.2.10. @fetch-related

Fetches a comment from a related method and prepends it to the current comment. A related method is a method in an ancestor class or an implemented interface or its ancestor with the same name as the current method.

7.2.11. @heading one_word_heading size, @heading(heading, size), @heading(heading)

Makes heading appear as a heading of size size. size may be a number form 1 (the largest) to 6 (the smallest). If the size is omitted then uses the size number 3.

7.2.12. @ignore-declarations n

Ignores n following declarations. Comments are read and processed normally, and if one of the following comment includes an @include-declarations command it overrides the effect of the previous command.

7.2.13. @include-declarations n

Indicates that the current comment is a common comment for n following declarations.

7.2.14. @id name, @identifier name

Interprets name as a programming language identifier and formats it accordingly.

7.2.15. @kw arg, @keyword arg

Indicates that the argument arg is a language keyword. It will be formatted accordingly.

7.2.16. @link dest, @link(dest,label)

Creates a link to dest. dest should be the name of an identifier, either qualified or not. If dest is not recognized as a valid symbol then the link is written as a plain text. The text on the link is label if the second argument is present.

7.2.17. @linkfile dest, @linkfile(dest,label), @lf dest, @lf(dest,label)

Creates a link to a file named dest. Causes the documentation to be generated for this file as well.

7.2.18. @nl, @newline

Insert a line break.

7.2.19. @no-description

Inhibits the automatic generation of the description paragraph for the current comment.

7.2.20. @para, @para(heading)

Starts a new paragraph without a heading or with heading as a heading. When starting a new paragraph text formatting options are reset to their defaults.

7.2.21. @param param_name [-] param_description...

Declares a parameter to a routine. param_name is the name of the parameter, followed by an optional dash (-), followed by the description of the parameter, which is a text block of any length continuing up to the next non-inline command or the end of the comment.

7.2.22. @pre ... @endpre

Declares a pre-formatted text block. Anything between the @pre and @endpre commands is written to the output file exactly as it appears in the comment. No formatting, beautifying or even not the interpretation of commands is performed. The only recognized command after encountering @pre is @endpre.

7.2.23. @profile profile_name, @profile(profile_names), @profiles(profile_names)

Indicates that _all_ of the declarations that will be associated with the comment should be written out only in the listed profiles. If this appears in the unit comment then the documentation for the whole unit is created only in the listed profiles. There are two predefined profile names: 'user' and 'devel'. To exclude the declaration from all profiles use '@profile none'. Profile names are not case-sensitive.

7.2.24. @see [block]

Begins a new paragraph with the heading 'See' and creates a link to each word in [block]. Discards any non-alphanumerical characters in [block].

7.2.25. @synopsis [block]

Declares the synopsis for the current comment to be [block]. If there is no @synopsis command in the whole comment and the --synopsis command line option is on (the default), then the first sentence of the comment is assumed to be the synopsis, provided that it is not too long.

7.2.26. @title(title)

Sets the title for the comment. If this appears in a file whose only content is a comment then this sets the name by which the file is referred to in the auto-generated contents. Otherwise, it might or might not have any effect depending on the output format and the size of the declaration/section associated with the comment.

7.2.27. @until-next-comment

Indicates that the current comment is a common comment for all following declarations until another comment is encountered.